Thursday 22 March 2012


Slithery, slippery, mutable – the malleable nature of humans adds a perpetual sense of fickle to every word, every smile. How do we readily live our lives in the past, entertaining times that justified our existence for a fragment of reality – reality that we long to carry forward to the future, but alas – present value belongs in the realm of negative exponents. But perhaps that makes all the more sense, for it is naught but negative to dwell in the past, attempting to drag out an experience past its sell by date. What do I do? What do I do?

Denying the virtue of the experience is little short of a cut to the heart. Who did I see, that day? Glimpses into a darkening abyss that I somehow seem to have fallen into. Oh, so distant now, I feel no profound sense of pulling, yet as the tide ebbs and flows, I suddenly feel drawn into the depths. Alone, though, sharks even neglect me as I endure personal storms in search for truth – wondering if I’ll ever get to the pirate’s chest… or walk around with an empty chest. The sickening feelings boil up, a tsunami of emotions that have now become numb. Deaf to the waves, I wish to purge myself of your very state. Leave me be.

Malleable, moulded, you’ve put the mask back on – but oh how I long to glimpse your true eyes, once more. Embrace the mind, the meninges long to reverberate.

1 comment:

  1. Like this? - Taking each day as a new.. Pacing each step foward yet feeling trapped in a limbo of reminisence.. I know its what holds me back..yet I take comfort in it.. Knowing its a safe place.. Every move leading to a certain result.. But not only certain.. A result lived.. Time in life passed through those very moments giving them extra value that I hold close.. I keep thinking.. Just one more day..unconsciously slipping back into memory
